6 Mobile App Strategies to Grow Customer Loyalty

Discover 6 powerful strategies to keep users engaged, coming back for more, and turning them into loyal brand advocates.

However, simply having a mobile app isn’t enough to ensure success; your customers must use it. The average person spends nearly as much time on her phone as she does watching television, and if you don’t have an app, she may never even know that your business exists.

Apps have become essential for companies looking to grow their customer loyalty. If you want your app to stand out from the crowd, some strategies can help you grow customer loyalty through mobile apps:

1. Establish a strong brand presence

Mobile is about engaging directly with customers, meaning your brand needs to be front and center. Think about how you can leverage your existing brand assets (logo, colors, messaging) on your mobile app to make it instantly recognizable and memorable for users.

Your customers need to know who you are before they start using your app — especially if they’re new customers or unfamiliar with your brand.

Your company logo should be prominently displayed on all your marketing materials and social media accounts, including the landing pages for your app store listing and within the application itself.

You should also consider incorporating your logo into promotional emails sent to new customers so they can quickly identify it when they see it elsewhere.

2. Offer exclusive content

Mobile users want convenience, which is why they download apps in the first place. That’s why it’s essential to provide them with content that gives them added value for downloading your app.

Offer exclusive deals, coupons, or other types of content that will encourage customers to use your app instead of searching for similar products online.

Provide customers access to content or services they can’t get anywhere else. For example, if you sell luxury goods, offer your customers special deals on products or invitations to events hosted by your brand.

3. Create an engaging user experience

The next step in creating a successful mobile app is to create an engaging user experience. You need to give people a reason to download your app and keep using it, whether it’s offering helpful information or providing them with something fun.

Your app should solve problems, make life easier, or provide something valuable to your audience — even if that value isn’t immediately apparent.

For example, if you run a grocery store chain with multiple locations across town, having an easy-to-use map feature on your mobile app could help shoppers quickly and easily find their nearest location.

This gives them more time to spend at their preferred store rather than searching around town for one they like better.

4. Use push notifications wisely

Push notifications can be an excellent way for brands to reach out to customers at the right time.

For example, if you have an e-commerce store, you could send a push notification about a new sale or promotion just as customers are about to make a purchase.

Or, if you have a fitness app, you will add an essential feature for fitness app, one of them will be you could send reminders about workouts and healthy meal plans when users open the app at lunchtime or after work.

Be sure that your push notifications are relevant, valuable, and personalized — so that people don’t feel like they’re being spammed with irrelevant messages.

5. Make it easy to buy products or services on your app

In-app purchases provide a hassle-free way for customers to purchase items they want in real-time with minimal effort.

And they can provide you with a steady income stream over time as your customer continues to use the app and make more purchases.

If you have an eCommerce website, consider adding an in-app purchase option so that customers can easily place orders from their phones.

If you don’t have an eCommerce website, consider adding one just for mobile users to make purchases directly from their phones without going through any other steps on their smartphones.

6. Monitor and measure trends in your industry

Mobile devices give you an instant view of how people use your product or service, which is critical for understanding how to improve the user experience.

But what if you can’t afford a full-time analyst? Several tools can help you monitor usage patterns and identify areas where users struggle with particular features or processes.

For example, Google Analytics can track how many people use different sections of your site or app and what they do once they arrive at those pages. This information can decide which features should be prioritized in future updates. It will also help to add app clips to improve app downloads.

Wrapping Up…

In any business, knowing your customer and what they want are critical components to successful marketing.

Because technology has advanced beyond a majority of consumers’ use, it is crucial to keep them in the loop with a mobile app that can provide you with instant feedback.