Pokémon Soars to New Heights: Celebrating 50 Golden Years of Singapore’s Cable Cars

Eber Congratulates Mount Faber Leisure Group on Their Exciting Pokémon Adventure

Pokémon enthusiasts, rejoice! We extend our heartfelt congratulations to Mount Faber Leisure Group on their thrilling new collaboration, combining the magic of Pokémon with the grand celebration of 50 glorious years of Singapore’s cable cars. Get ready to embark on an extraordinary journey filled with Pokémon wonderment, where “Gotta Catch ‘Em All!” takes on a whole new meaning.

Following Mount Faber Leisure Group’s recent press release, Eber has excitingly put together the key highlights of this spectacular experience.

Experience Highlights: Pokémon Takes Over the Skies

A Spectacular Sight:

4 Poké Ball Cabins in a row

From May 1st to September 30th, 2023, prepare to witness a truly captivating spectacle as 67 Poké Ball cabins gracefully soar 100 meters above sea level. The cable car line, spanning Mount Faber Peak, Harbourfront, and Sentosa, will be transformed into a vibrant Pokémon haven.

Poké Ball Cabin Delight:

Cable Car Interior - Pikachu

Step inside these iconic cabins wrapped in the recognizable red and white colors of Poké Balls. Each cabin features five unique interior designs, inspired by beloved first-generation Pokémon such as Pikachu and Eevee. But that’s not all! Fans of the latest Pokémon video games will be thrilled to encounter the newest Pokémon additions, including Sprigatito, Fuecoco, and Quaxly.

A Symphony of Colors:

3 Poké Ball Cabins-2

Prepare to be mesmerized by the breathtaking display of multicolored lights at Mount Faber Station, Harbourfront Station, and Sentosa Station. These enchanting lights create a magical ambiance, enhancing the Pokémon adventure as you journey through the cable car experience.

Celebrating the Golden Jubilee of Singapore’s Cable Cars

As we congratulate Mount Faber Leisure Group on their momentous 50th anniversary, this collaboration with Pokémon marks a new chapter in their storied history. It symbolises not only the celebration of an iconic national landmark but also the anticipation of a brighter future for global travel.

Mr. Buhdy Bok, Managing Director of Mount Faber Leisure Group (MFLG), shared his excitement: “Through our exciting year-long line-up of activities, we hope guests will rediscover the Singapore Cable Car while recreating newer and even more beautiful memories that they can cherish for many years to come.”

Embark on a Pokémon Adventure and Create Lasting Memories

Photo point at Mount Faber Station

For Pokémon enthusiasts, travel enthusiasts, and families seeking unforgettable experiences, this Pokémon-themed cable car adventure promises a journey like no other. Rediscover the joy of exploration, catch your favourite Pokémon, and create cherished memories high above the city.


Through a programme powered by Eber, you can now unlock a world of exclusive updates and irresistible perks from Mount Faber Leisure by joining their exciting membership program here.

Join Mount Faber Leisure as they celebrate their golden jubilee and embark on this exciting Pokémon adventure. Whether you’re a dedicated Pokémon trainer or simply curious to experience the magic, this collaboration is sure to captivate and delight. Get ready to soar to new heights, embrace the Pokémon spirit, and make the most of this incredible celebration!


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