零售與餐飲生意點解要搞會員制?5大理由話你知! 會員積分系統在現代商業環境中扮演著至關重要的策略性角色,不僅是企業與顧客之間建立長期關係的重要橋樑,更是提升品牌競爭力的關鍵工具。這些系統經過精心設計,不僅能有效獎勵顧客的持續支持和忠誠度,還能透過多樣化的積分機制和獎勵方案,激勵顧客增加消費頻率和購買量,從而建立起穩固的品牌黏著度。通過這種互惠互利的機制,企業可以培養更多忠實顧客,同時顧客也能從中獲得更多實質的購物優惠和專屬權益。

JD Sport and Nike Launch Omni-Retail Rewards Program for Seamless Customer Experience
JD Sports is expanding the Nike Connected Membership to the U.S., allowing customers to collect points and enjoy exclusive perks whether they shop directly at Nike or purchase Nike products through JD.
Here’s why this integrated rewards program matters for retail marketers:
Key Details
JD’s U.S. customers can now enjoy enhanced benefits by linking their JD STATUS and Nike Membership accounts through JD’s app or website, enjoying perks such as:
- Exclusive Member Products: Access to select Nike footwear and apparel available only to linked members.
- Instant Rewards: Customers receive an immediate reward upon linking accounts, enhancing engagement from the start.
- Early Product Access: Members get a head start on shopping new Nike releases and enjoy collections handpicked for them.
Strategic Takeaways for Marketers
- JD’s role as Nike’s first global partner showcases the potential of collaborating with iconic brands to differentiate loyalty offerings and deepen customer relationships (2).
- Cross-Market Integration
The program expands from Europe, where JD and Nike first connected their loyalty programs in September 2022, to the U.S. following JD’s acquisition of Hibbett, reflecting a strategic push to unify loyalty experiences across markets (3). - Customer-Centric Rewards
Offering instant rewards and early access aligns with evolving consumer expectations for immediacy and exclusivity in loyalty programs.
What You Can Learn
- Strengthening Brand Ecosystems
Integrated loyalty programs like JD’s demonstrate how cross-brand partnerships can elevate a brand’s appeal and deliver value through shared rewards. - Accelerating U.S. Market Penetration
Following its Hibbett acquisition, JD’s loyalty strategy helps the retailer gain traction in the U.S. by providing a unique value proposition that stands out (2). - Driving Engagement with Exclusive Access
Early access to products and member-only collections taps into the desire for exclusivity, driving both acquisition and retention.
JD Sports’ CEO Régis Schultz emphasized the importance of this partnership: “We want to redefine how brands and retailers work together to set a global standard for customer experience in our stores and across our digital channels – and this means making sure we find new ways to reward loyalty” (3).
This expansion is a powerful example of how a well-executed loyalty program can not only drive growth but also fortify brand partnerships.
For retail marketers, the connected loyalty model is a valuable case study in enhancing customer experiences and sustaining competitive advantage.
Stay tuned for more insights on how leading retailers are transforming loyalty into a strategic growth driver.
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